On December 6th 1995, three members of the notorious Essex Boys firm were brutally executed in the most infamous gangland murders in British history. Many believe that Jack Whomes and Michael Steele were wrongly convicted of the crime and the myths and speculation surrounding the murders have continued to grow.
Following a major police investigation and a deep concern about who might follow in the three men’s footsteps, a new generation of Essex Boys emerged to take over.
Now, 20 years after the shootings, former Essex Boy and best-selling author, Bernard O’Mahoney, wants to put to rest the ghosts of those violent years, to see justice served for all and finally, to open the way for the truth to come out.

Featuring interviews with:
John Whomes
Brother of Jack Whomes, who was convicted and jailed for the murders of Tate, Tucker and Rolfe. Maintains that his brother is innocent and continues to campaign for his release.
Danny & Sandy Percival
Brother and mother of Ricky Percival, jailed for the murder of Dean Boshell and attempted murders of members of the Tretton family.
Kevin Walsh
Found guilty and jailed for perverting the course of justice after providing a false alibi for Ricky Percival during his trial for murder.
Barry Dorman
Close friend of Pat Tate who gave evidence in the triple murder trial.
Beverley Boshell
Mother of Dean Boshell, who was executed in a gangland style killing. Sparked one of the most talked about murder cases in recent history, which saw one key defendant turn supergrass witness and the other convicted on his word.
Danny Langley
Owner of the garage unit where Damon Alvin burnt the clothes he wore after Dean Boshell’s murder.
Karen Todner
Human rights lawyer, currently representing Ricky Percival in his appeal.
Adele O’Connor
Ran the brothel owned by murdered Essex Boys members Tony Tucker and Pat Tate.
Steve ‘Nipper’ Ellis
Notorious Essex Boy. Suspect in the murders of Tate, Tucker and Rolfe. Friend of Ricky Percival.
Andy Swallow
Founder of West Ham’s ICF and pioneer of the underground rave scene which was fuelled by ecstasy and vast sums of money.
Billy & Eddie Blundell
Two of the most notorious and powerful villains in Essex, deemed more dangerous than the Kray twins.
Jenny Dickinson (audio)
Present and injured during the gangland shooting at the Tretton family home for which Ricky Percival was given three life sentences.
Vic Dark
One of the most notorious armed robbers in the criminal underworld. Famously robbed a club in Ilford and went on the run.